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The ACBI team combines a proven track record in world-class academic research and state-of-the-art academic insights with validated methods and techniques to support a large variety of clients. Organisations such as firms, business associations and governmental authorities are provided with research-based insights to enable them to strengthen their innovation-driven performance.

The ACBI team combines a proven track record in world-class academic research and state-of-the-art academic insights with validated methods and techniques to support a large variety of clients (including firms, business associations and governmental authorities) in strengthening the innovation-driven performance of firms, (sub)sectors and regions. For instance, you can view our research on how we monitor the competitive and innovative strength of firms and regions, conduct policy evaluation studies and provide relevant insights into levers and enablers of digital transformation and business model innovation. Our academically grounded diagnostic and assessment services vary from ‘quick scans’ (including the Quick Scan Flexibility and the Business Model Innovation Scan) to in-depth company, sectoral and regional analyses, using both quantitative and qualitative approaches.


The ACBI team has conducted contract research commissioned by clients such as ActiZ, Avéro Achmea, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, FME, the Municipality of Rotterdam, the Port of Rotterdam Authority, NEMACC, OostNL, the Province of Gelderland, Siemens and Stichting Management Studies (affiliated with VNO-NCW).