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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important for businesses. The National AI Benchmark gives you quick insight into your AI maturity.

What is the National AI Benchmark?

The National AI Benchmark is an initiative by the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Blue Field Agency. It offers organisations (Dutch-only) a free evaluation of their AI maturity. By participating, you can compare your company with others in the industry and gain valuable insights. The following researchers at the UvA's Amsterdam Centre for Business Innovation (ACBI) are involved in the project: Prof. Henk Volberda, Dr Michiel Tempelaar, Dr Rick Hollen, Dr Bart Lameijer, and PhD candidate John-Luca de Vries.

Why participate?

Taking the National AI benchmark survey benefits your organisation in the following ways:

  1. Gain insight into your AI status: discover how far you are with AI integration.
  2. Compare with others: see how your organisation performs compared to similar companies.
  3. Get practical tips: receive tailored advice to improve your AI strategy.
  4. Identify opportunities: find new possibilities for AI applications within your company.

How does it work?

Participation in the benchmark is simple and free. You fill out a questionnaire that covers aspects of your current AI usage and strategies. Based on your answers, you will receive a detailed report that assesses your current AI maturity and provides recommendations for further improvement.

AI and business value

Using AI can increase efficiency, improve customer experiences, and create new revenue streams. However, successfully implementing AI requires a strategic approach and a good understanding of the possibilities and challenges. The National AI Benchmark helps companies navigate this path by providing concrete insights and action points.

Your data is safe

When participating in the National AI Benchmark, you can trust that your data is handled securely. All information provided is kept strictly confidential and used solely for the purpose of the benchmark. Your privacy and the security of your business data are paramount. The benchmark operator, Blue Field Agency, complies with various ISO certifications, including ISO 27001 for information security and ISO 20252 for quality management.

Join us!

AI is the future, and the National AI Benchmark is the perfect step to prepare your company for this technological revolution. Whether you are just starting with AI or are already advanced, this benchmark offers valuable insights that can help you enhance your competitive advantage.
Take the survey today and discover how your organisation can benefit from AI!