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The 2024 MT500 report has once again named the semiconductor and computer chip manufacturer ASML as the Dutch company with the best reputation. The data for the report was collected by the Amsterdam Centre for Business Innovation (ACBI), led by professor Henk Volberda.

The survey data is collected annually from more than 4,000 respondents in the business sector to rank a company’s reputation. These managers, decision-makers and business leaders praised ASML for its operational excellence, product leadership and sustainable practices.

Steering a recognisable course

Other noteworthy results in the MT500 report were Efteling’s 2nd place finish and the rise of the cosmetics chain Ritual (3rd). ‘These 3 companies are great examples of  companies who have chosen a clear path. They know better than anyone how to deal with changing market conditions while moving forward with a clear and recognisable course’, explains Volberda.

About the MT500 report

The report is released annually by MT/Sprout, an organisation active in the field of business innovation, management, strategy and sustainability. The MT500 survey compiles rankings based on scores in 5 criteria:

  • Customer service
  • Product leadership
  • Operational excellence
  • Good employer practices
  • Sustainability

The Amsterdam Business School's (ABS) Amsterdam Centre for Business Innovation (ACBI) coordinates the survey under the supervision of professor Henk Volberda. The full MT500 ranking can be viewed on MT/sprout website. The report is also broken down into categories for each of the criteria mentioned as well as for different business sectors (all the MT/Sprout website content is in Dutch).