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How innovative are Dutch organisations? What steps do they take to meet their ambitions? And what kind of obstacles or challenges do they face?

About the survey

The Amsterdam Centre for Business Innovation (part of the University of Amsterdam) conducts the Dutch Innovation Monitor survey annually. In the survey, managers and board members answer questions about innovation, digital transformation , sustainability and entrepreneurship. In the framework of conducting research for the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, there will be a special focus on the Dutch investment and business climate in this year's survey. Do you or someone you know work for an innovative company? Complete the survey yourself or forward it to someone else!

Why take part in the survey?

The survey will result in:

  • A customised management report giving you insight into the innovation capacity of your own organisation. This can be compared with the average found in your sector.
  • An opportunity to win the Dutch Innovation Award 2024 in partnership with AVROTROS (see the winner for 2023).
  • Share your opinion on current business and entrepreneurial themes.

The survey takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. You can also start the survey, save your input, and complete it at a later time. Any information you provide is confidential and fully anonymised when linked to Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, CBS).

About the Dutch Innovation Monitor

The Dutch Innovation Monitor is an annual large-scale survey conducted by the Amsterdam Centre for Business Innovation. Is your organisation taking the lead in the area of innovation? Or do you know someone who works for an innovative company? Complete the survey yourself or invite someone you know to respond!