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Momo Medical is the winner of the 2023 Dutch Innovation Award. The award recognises the company's groundbreaking innovation focused on addressing a societal challenge. Momo Medical introduced the BedSense, a device that supports and improves how healthcare workers do their work in nursing homes.
Henk Volberda and the Momo Medical team
Volberda (L) and the Momo Medical team

The Dutch Innovation Award is based on the Dutch Innovation Monitor and is an initiative of the Amsterdam Centre for Business Innovation (ACBI) at the University of Amsterdam, under the supervision of the centre’s Director Henk Volberda (professor of Strategy & Innovation). The award ceremony took place on Tuesday, 24 October, in the AVROTROS TV programme De Wereld van Morgen.

Over the past few years, Momo Medical has achieved steady revenue growth with the introduction of the BedSense. The primary goal of this innovative device is to improve patient care carried out by healthcare workers in nursing homes. The BedSense is a sensor pad placed at chest height under the mattresses of nursing home residents. It provides relevant insights to healthcare staff that help them in a variety of ways. For example, the Bedsense helps prevent falls and pressure sores among the residents. It also changes staff’s working practices (eliminating fixed rounds), and healthcare workers can provide more attention to residents at times when it is needed.

Innovation in healthcare

‘This year’s winner of the Dutch Innovation Award has set itself the goal of providing an innovative solution to reduce the pressure on healthcare workers at a time when they face the double challenge of increased aging and staff shortages’, said jury chairman Volberda. ‘New approaches to working in healthcare are something that can have significant societal impact. Momo Medical has shown exceptional success in its mission to introduce an innovative solution to healthcare.’ The jury praised the self-developed, patented technological innovations of this Delft-based company, including the bed sensor and the associated software and mesh network solutions. ‘They contribute to reducing the pressure on healthcare workers while increasing the quality of life for residents. Additionally, Momo Medical is clearly innovative in an organisational sense.’

Read the University of Amsterdam's press release (in Dutch) detailing the the jury's considerations in selecting the winner among the other companies nominatied for the award.